stc’s formula for Success: Realising the Potential of 5G Technologies for Enterprises
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stc’s formula for Success: Realising the Potential of 5G Technologies for Enterprises

By Haithem Alfaraj, Group Chief Technology Officer, stc Group

stc’s 5G journey started in 2018, and since then, we have committed to delivering the best experiences in next-generation connectivity to our customers. Powered by a meticulous approach to R&D, strong collaboration with leading vendors, and strategic investment in cutting-edge technologies, we have emerged as a regional and global leader in 5G infrastructure deployment and relevant commercial products.

We pioneered 5G and successfully deployed 5G networks on a larger scale in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Kuwait. As of Q3 2022, we have deployed 7,247 5G towers to serve different gulf communities and support the digital transformation in the region. Our 5G customer base has continued to proliferate in consumer and enterprise segments. Specifically, the consumer business unit has seen a 6.9% growth in revenue as attributed to an 8% increase in mobile revenue and an 18.1% increase in FWA (Fixed Wireless Access) subscribers, demonstrating the overall success of stc’s 5G network and supporting technologies and our great value proposition as a network provider.