Emerging Market Operator Mobile Money Critical Success Factors 

April 16th, 2018 at 10:00am London|11:00am Cape Town|5:00pm Singapore

Mobile Money services offer massive potential for emerging market Telco operators, if the context is right. How can telecom operators profitably compete and win as evolving mobile money ecosystems are impacted by changing user behavior, regulatory environments and technological advancements.

On behalf of Huawei, Analysys Mason has prepared a report on critical success factors for mobile money aimed at helping operators in emerging markets deliver the service profitably. In a Huawei and Analysys Mason joint webinar, Analysys Mason will present the findings from this report on April 16, 2018.

The key topics from the report that will be discussed during the webinar include

  • The requirement for operators to have a balanced portfolio revenue generating and profit-driving services
  • The importance of continually increasing wallet transaction frequency
  • The importance of operators’ existing mobile money assets, such as solid agent coverage, knowledge and technologies
  • The critical role a profitable and engaging Mobile Wallet service has in providing the foundation to more advanced mobile financial services and customer data monetization strategies
  • The importance of linking packaging and pricing with core telecommunications services


Stela Bokun

Head of Custom Research, Analysys Mason

Stela leads Analysys Mason’s Custom Research team. Stela worked on many mobile financial services projects in the past, published at least 3 major mobile payments research reports and delivered a number of speeches at key m-payments industry conferences. Her research reports covering mobile money markets include a report that analyses mobile money platforms and vendor strategies, a 100+ page strategy report on operators’ m-payments strategies that analyzed Safaricom’s M-Pesa strategy in Kenya, Telcel’s MFS strategy in Mexico, the impact of MTN’s MFS strategy on its churn rates in Uganda, and MTS’ MFS strategy in Russia.

Enrique Velasco-Castillo

Senior Analyst, Analysys Mason

Enrique is the lead analyst to Analysys Mason’s Digital Economy strategies research programme, focusing on the opportunities for communications service providers and vendors in emerging verticals such as mobile payments, commerce, health and home automation and security.

Selected research reports that Enrique has written include: Safaricom’s Masoko is a bold venture into ecommerce in Sub-Saharan Africa, but it will face challenges, Digital service opportunities in Europe: trends and forecasts 2017–2022, Five challenges to the adoption of distributed ledger technologies in the telecoms industry, Mobile money in emerging Asia–Pacific: trends and forecasts 2017–2022. Reports on the strategy employed by operators’ mobile money initiatives and analyses the success factors and challenges.

Gordon Rawling

VP Marketing, Huawei Software

Gordon leads marketing campaigns and strategy for the Carrier Software Business Unit within Huawei. He brings over 17 years’ experience within the telecommunications software Industry, working in leadership roles in Amdocs, Oracle Communications and now Huawei.

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