In Latin America, For Latin America. Huawei launched three major Digital Fiber solution innovations: Digital Quick ODN 4 cores solutions for cost-effective FTTH construction, Service-level slicing-based FTTH gigabit solution ensures differentiated service experience, and symmetrical 2.5 Gbit/s Super GPON Solution supports symmetrical business scenarios for small and medium-sized enterprises. ——Daniel Zhang,Vice President of Latin America ICT Marketing & Solution Sales Dept, Huawei
Optical fiber has become the most important broadband access technology in Latin America, and leading carriers have entered the gigabit era. Besides home entertainment scenarios, more application scenarios such as smart home and SME digitalization emerge through optical fiber, helping carriers expand the revenue boundary of home broadband. Huawei is willing to work with governments, regulators, carriers, and industry partners to accelerate the development of the gigabit optical broadband industry in Latin America and build digital Latin America. ——Joey Zhou, President of Latin America ICT Marketing & Solution Sales Dept, Huawei
We need to consider that optical broadband development in the world's leading market has entered the gigabit era. Gigabit optical networks can greatly improve people's quality of life, provide faster Internet connections for home users, and enrich people's family entertainment life. At the same time, gigabit optical networks are not only the backbone of smart cities but also the catalyst for numerous cutting-edge technologies and industries. ——Ana Veneroso, Regional Director, ITU Americas Regional Office
The growth outlook for fixed broadband in Latin America is favourable and the trend of increasing number of connections, led by FTTx technologies, is expected to continue in an upward direction in the coming years. We are preparing the ITU study on Fixed Broadband for ICT development in Latin America. The study classifies the recommendations into four groups: Regulation and Public Policy; Infrastructure, Spectrum, and Stakeholder Partnerships. ——Rodrigo Robles, Program Officer, Regional Office Brasilia, ITU
Countries in Latin America as Brazil, Chile and Peru have evolved globally on QoE and QoS KPIs due to: gigabit offers and larger FTTH deployment, excellent QoE with high service consistency, and higher customer satisfaction (NPS). ——Lourenco Lanfranchi, Senior Director for Latin America, Ookla
Three development strategy suggestions — all-optical transition, gigabit transition, and scenario transition— to accelerate cable-to-fiber transition, increase both speed and quality, meet digital and AI service requirements, provide diversified and scenario-based service. By accelerating the three transitions, Huawei and Latin American carriers will jointly usher in a new era of gigabit intelligence in the region, bringing richer and higher-quality digital life experiences to users. ——Gary Lu, President of Carrier Network Marketing & Solution Sales Dept, Huawei
Algar adheres to the all fiber strategy and provides the best experience for end users of all Brazil. Up to now, 99% of the 1.3 million users have enjoyed this benefit. Algar focus on fiber+5G+AI convergence to broaden business boundaries and provide more products for more people, families, and enterprises. ——Marcio de Jesus, Business VP, Algar Telecom
Claro Keeps Leadership in the Brazilian Broadband and B2B Markets, continuously developing High Value Solutions and New Services for persons, households and B2B customers. With the Growth of Network Demanding from Live Streaming, Gaming, Home Office, the evolution to a fiber based Gigabit society has become a global consensus. Claro has a state of the art Network, integrating 5G, fiber and Wi Fi to deliver High Speed and Low Latency connections, as a baseline for New Cloud and AI Services. ——Marcio Carvalho, CMO, Claro Brazil
Through its partnership with Vtal, Oi has the largest fiber infrastructure in Brazil. Oi recognized that improving user satisfaction requires focusing on user experience and signal coverage, transformed from a network operation center (NOC) to a customer experience center (EOC). Through the OI FIBRA X strategy, The 700 Mbit/s FTTR package has been launched to 296 cities in Brazil, dedicated to providing the best Wi-Fi experience and quality services for every family. ——Fabricio Bindi, CMO, Oi Brazil
Network Capacity, Product design, Marketing, Request order, Installation and branding is 6 elements for FTTH Business Success. FTTH is the tomorrow of operators. Once FTTH construction started, cable network shall be stopped by users development and new investment. Huawei newest 4-core ODN solution is E2E pre-connected, low service cost, high efficiency and quality. ——Maiqing Zhao, Former CEO, China Telecom Sichuan
GSMA broadband efforts are primarily focused on the advancement of promotes policies, regulations and development initiatives, collaborating with governments, operators and other stakeholders to boost global connectivity. ——Alejandro Adamowicz, Technology and Strategic Engagement Director, GSMA Latin America
The public policies supported by Anatel aim to expand the broadband service in Brazil, addressing both the issue of infrastructure and digital inclusion. Some of these policies include: Internet for all program, connected Amazon program, release of funds from the federal government through collection funds – FUST- for investment in the networks. ——Vinicius Caram, Superintendent of Resources to Operation, Anatel Brazil
The ITU supports various global public policies to promote the development of broadband infrastructure, especially in developing countries, with the aim of achieving digital inclusion. ——Ihar Shchetko, Connectivity Project Officer, ITU
About the fiber development, when the government listened to demands and established more feasible rules, broader development was possible and people began to hire services more often, because they were more affordable. ——Carlos Peralta Solis, CEO, Fibrandes Peru
In Latin America, For Latin America. Huawei launched three major Digital Fiber solution innovations: Digital Quick ODN 4 cores solutions for cost-effective FTTH construction, Service-level slicing-based FTTH gigabit solution ensures differentiated service experience, and symmetrical 2.5 Gbit/s Super GPON Solution supports symmetrical business scenarios for small and medium-sized enterprises. ——Daniel Zhang,Vice President of Latin America ICT Marketing & Solution Sales Dept, Huawei
Optical fiber has become the most important broadband access technology in Latin America, and leading carriers have entered the gigabit era. Besides home entertainment scenarios, more application scenarios such as smart home and SME digitalization emerge through optical fiber, helping carriers expand the revenue boundary of home broadband. Huawei is willing to work with governments, regulators, carriers, and industry partners to accelerate the development of the gigabit optical broadband industry in Latin America and build digital Latin America. ——Joey Zhou, President of Latin America ICT Marketing & Solution Sales Dept, Huawei
We need to consider that optical broadband development in the world's leading market has entered the gigabit era. Gigabit optical networks can greatly improve people's quality of life, provide faster Internet connections for home users, and enrich people's family entertainment life. At the same time, gigabit optical networks are not only the backbone of smart cities but also the catalyst for numerous cutting-edge technologies and industries. ——Ana Veneroso, Regional Director, ITU Americas Regional Office
The growth outlook for fixed broadband in Latin America is favourable and the trend of increasing number of connections, led by FTTx technologies, is expected to continue in an upward direction in the coming years. We are preparing the ITU study on Fixed Broadband for ICT development in Latin America. The study classifies the recommendations into four groups: Regulation and Public Policy; Infrastructure, Spectrum, and Stakeholder Partnerships. ——Rodrigo Robles, Program Officer, Regional Office Brasilia, ITU
Countries in Latin America as Brazil, Chile and Peru have evolved globally on QoE and QoS KPIs due to: gigabit offers and larger FTTH deployment, excellent QoE with high service consistency, and higher customer satisfaction (NPS). ——Lourenco Lanfranchi, Senior Director for Latin America, Ookla
Three development strategy suggestions — all-optical transition, gigabit transition, and scenario transition— to accelerate cable-to-fiber transition, increase both speed and quality, meet digital and AI service requirements, provide diversified and scenario-based service. By accelerating the three transitions, Huawei and Latin American carriers will jointly usher in a new era of gigabit intelligence in the region, bringing richer and higher-quality digital life experiences to users. ——Gary Lu, President of Carrier Network Marketing & Solution Sales Dept, Huawei
Algar adheres to the all fiber strategy and provides the best experience for end users of all Brazil. Up to now, 99% of the 1.3 million users have enjoyed this benefit. Algar focus on fiber+5G+AI convergence to broaden business boundaries and provide more products for more people, families, and enterprises. ——Marcio de Jesus, Business VP, Algar Telecom
Claro Keeps Leadership in the Brazilian Broadband and B2B Markets, continuously developing High Value Solutions and New Services for persons, households and B2B customers. With the Growth of Network Demanding from Live Streaming, Gaming, Home Office, the evolution to a fiber based Gigabit society has become a global consensus. Claro has a state of the art Network, integrating 5G, fiber and Wi Fi to deliver High Speed and Low Latency connections, as a baseline for New Cloud and AI Services. ——Marcio Carvalho, CMO, Claro Brazil
Through its partnership with Vtal, Oi has the largest fiber infrastructure in Brazil. Oi recognized that improving user satisfaction requires focusing on user experience and signal coverage, transformed from a network operation center (NOC) to a customer experience center (EOC). Through the OI FIBRA X strategy, The 700 Mbit/s FTTR package has been launched to 296 cities in Brazil, dedicated to providing the best Wi-Fi experience and quality services for every family. ——Fabricio Bindi, CMO, Oi Brazil
Network Capacity, Product design, Marketing, Request order, Installation and branding is 6 elements for FTTH Business Success. FTTH is the tomorrow of operators. Once FTTH construction started, cable network shall be stopped by users development and new investment. Huawei newest 4-core ODN solution is E2E pre-connected, low service cost, high efficiency and quality. ——Maiqing Zhao, Former CEO, China Telecom Sichuan
GSMA broadband efforts are primarily focused on the advancement of promotes policies, regulations and development initiatives, collaborating with governments, operators and other stakeholders to boost global connectivity. ——Alejandro Adamowicz, Technology and Strategic Engagement Director, GSMA Latin America
The public policies supported by Anatel aim to expand the broadband service in Brazil, addressing both the issue of infrastructure and digital inclusion. Some of these policies include: Internet for all program, connected Amazon program, release of funds from the federal government through collection funds – FUST- for investment in the networks. ——Vinicius Caram, Superintendent of Resources to Operation, Anatel Brazil
The ITU supports various global public policies to promote the development of broadband infrastructure, especially in developing countries, with the aim of achieving digital inclusion. ——Ihar Shchetko, Connectivity Project Officer, ITU
About the fiber development, when the government listened to demands and established more feasible rules, broader development was possible and people began to hire services more often, because they were more affordable. ——Carlos Peralta Solis, CEO, Fibrandes Peru
In Latin America, For Latin America. Huawei launched three major Digital Fiber solution innovations: Digital Quick ODN 4 cores solutions for cost-effective FTTH construction, Service-level slicing-based FTTH gigabit solution ensures differentiated service experience, and symmetrical 2.5 Gbit/s Super GPON Solution supports symmetrical business scenarios for small and medium-sized enterprises. ——Daniel Zhang,Vice President of Latin America ICT Marketing & Solution Sales Dept, Huawei
Joey Zhou, President of Latin America ICT Marketing & Solution Sales Dept, Huawei
Ana Veneroso, Regional Director, ITU Americas Regional Office
Rodrigo Robles, Program Officer, Regional Office Brasilia, ITU
Lourenco Lanfranchi, Senior Director for Latin America, Ookla
Gary Lu, President of Carrier Network Marketing & Solution Sales Dept, Huawei
Marcio de Jesus, Business VP, Algar Telecom
Fabricio Bindi, CMO, Oi Brazil
Marcio Carvalho, CMO, Claro Brazil
Maiqing Zhao, Former CEO, China Telecom Sichuan
Luciano Saboia, Director of Research and Consulting for Telecommunications, IDC (Moderato)
Alejandro Adamowicz, Technology and Strategic Engagement Director, GSMA Latin America
Vinicius Caram, Superintendent of Resources to Operation, Anatel Brazil
Ihar Shchetko, Connectivity Project Officer, ITU
Carlos Peralta Solis, CEO, Fibrandes Peru
Daniel Zhang, Vice President of Latin America ICT Marketing & Solution Sales Dept, Huawei
Note: The final schedule is subject to the actual arrangements of the day
Bob Cai
President, Huawei Latin America Carrier Business
Bob Cai
President, Huawei Latin America Carrier Business
We sincerely invite you to join us for The 2024 LATAM Fiber Broadband Leaders Summit, which will be held on Oct. 7th, in São Paulo, Brazil. The summit will be hosted by Huawei, with the support of ITU, themed as "Digital Fiber, Advancing Giga LATAM".
As digitalization is accelerating in LATAM, new services are booming and all aspects of life are going more digital and intelligent then ever. Which bring new opportunities for the industry, like online office, live streaming, cloud gaming, AI phones and computers will require ubiquitous, ultra-broadband, and real-time network access.
Come join us in São Paulo to explore the future of Giga fiber. At this summit, operators, regulators, industry partners will come together to discuss how we can build Giga-broadband networks for the digital LATAM, explore new industry space, and achieve new business growth.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Conference Venue
JW Marriott Hotel, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Av. das Nações Unidas, 14401 - Chácara Santo Antônio, São Paulo - SP, 04794-000, Brazil
Conference Venue
JW Marriott Hotel, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Av. das Nações Unidas, 14401 - Chácara Santo Antônio, São Paulo - SP, 04794-000, Brazil