China Mobile Research Institute, China Mobile Migu, and Huawei Launch the 5G-A MoQ Joint Innovation Action Plan

China Mobile Research Institute, China Mobile Migu, and Huawei Launch the 5G-A MoQ Joint Innovation Action Plan

Feb 26, 2024

[Barcelona, Spain, February 26, 2024] During MWC Barcelona 2024, China Mobile Research Institute, China Mobile Migu, and Huawei jointly launched 5G-Advanced MoQ New Media Network Technology Joint Innovation Action Plan as well as the latest prototype test results. It indicates that the new media network technology is entering a new stage of service-network synergy.

The next-generation mobile Internet is being enriched with more real-time, immersive, and stronger interactive content, causing an exponential increase in network bandwidth consumption. As personalized AIGC, UHD 3D videos, and interactive XR content grow rapidly, they demand lower network transmission latency.

To boost the development of new media services and improve terminal service experiences, China Mobile Research Institute collaborated with China Mobile Migu and Huawei to introduce the 5G-Advanced Media over QUIC (MoQ) technology to Migu video services. This technology cuts the live streaming latency to less than one second during prototype testing, which is five times shorter than the six-second latency generated by the conventional technology.

Duan Xiaodong, Vice Director of China Mobile Research Institute, said at the launch event, "The 5G-Advanced MoQ mechanism combines service data and networks so that service content can be stored on networks and media flows can be intelligently identified. This not only satisfies the low latency and data encryption requirements of immersive multimedia services, but also integrates service distribution, network scheduling, and data transmission to boost the synergy between networks, computing, and services."

Li Lin, Chief Expert, China Mobile Group Level, General Manager of the Technology Management Department at China Mobile Migu, stated that "New media is an important part of Migu's service operations. Migu keeps innovating in the operations of Internet + digital content. By leveraging China Mobile's advantages of integrated networks, computing, and storage, we collaborated with China Mobile Research Institute and Huawei to continuously upgrade service quality based on the 5G-Advanced MoQ capabilities for new media scenarios. We are bringing brand-new experiences to users with our live streaming of this year's major sports events."

Wu Yunji, President of Huawei Packet Core Network Product Line, said in his speech, "Huawei has pioneered innovations in the architecture and technologies for new media content distribution based on 5G-Advanced MoQ. With the powerful forwarding capability of Huawei's next-generation user plane product, we can deliver improved transmission efficiency for new media services and optimal experiences to end users. With the meshed networking and MoQ-powered content buffering, we can overcome the bottleneck of limited bandwidth. Based on integrated forwarding and storage capabilities, we can improve the forwarding efficiency by 10 times. Using the MoQ-powered frame buffering technology, we can achieve a subsecond-level latency, delivering better live streaming experiences. Huawei will continue to work with industry partners including China Mobile Research Institute and China Mobile Migu to innovate more and enable more new media capabilities, tapping into the greater potential of technologies for better services."

Moving towards 5G-Advanced, Huawei will join hands with industry partners to continuously promote the integration of networks, computing, and services based on the MoQ technology, building strong network-service collaboration capabilities for more value-added services.