Huawei's Innovative FlexPON+ Brings More Values to Gigabit Users

Huawei's Innovative FlexPON+ Brings More Values to Gigabit Users

With the continuous development of gigabit services around the world, the annual shipment of 10G PON ports has exceeded 14 million, which almost triple times than GPON ports, and more than 150 million users have access to gigabit broadband by 10G PON OLT. According to the prediction of Omdia, by 2027, more than 32% of global consumers will subscribe to gigabit and ultra-gigabit packages. In addition, with the exponential growth of new services such as short videos and cloud games, users have higher requirements on network quality.

To help operators bring better experience to consumers, Huawei continuously innovates and makes breakthroughs based on the FlexPON solution. The upgraded FlexPON+ solution features all-round improvements.


In the FlexPON+ solution, the number of PON modes is increased from 5 to 7, adding the compatibility to GE and 10GE. In this way, operators can deploy P2P services in small communities, reducing board investment and improving the port take-up rate.


The valid payload of a standard 10G PON is only about 8.6 Gbps. Huawei uses the PON Turbo technology to increase the PON line rate to 10 Gbps, providing consumers with more competitive packages.


In the entire forwarding process of an access network, the longest latency comes from the 125 μs latency of each frame on the PON line. Huawei uses the Dense-TDM technology to further divide PON frames and reduce the PON line latency from submilliseconds to microseconds, greatly shortening the end-to-end latency and making the PON technology better suited to scenarios such as industrial control and backhaul.


As the latest O&M statistics solution, Telemetry not only accurately restores the real-time traffic of users per second, but also lowers the requirements on the system. On this basis, Huawei FlexPON+ is upgraded to increase the statistical frequency to microseconds, which more accurately restores the transient burst and congestion conditions of users and lays a digital foundation for operators to monetize user experience.


The unique 5-level dynamic energy saving of Huawei FlexPON+ boards not only adjusts the energy saving modes of forwarding modules, boards, and optical modules based on real-time traffic and configurations, but also provides wavelength-level and high-speed interface-level energy saving, achieving 0 bit 0 watt.

With the continuous upgrade of bandwidth, both consumers and operators care more about the service experience. Huawei will continue to make innovations in optical access technologies, bring intelligence to access networks, and help operators deliver premium gigabit experience to users.