Huawei's B.E.S.T. Network Helps Operator V in Country G Improve P3 Benchmark Ranking and Investment Effectiveness
Background and Strategic Requirements
Operator V used to be far behind the competitor in sites and spectrum. However, through years of cooperation with Huawei, Operator V improved the P3 scores and even led voice scoring. In 2019, full 4G coverage is basically realized with network traffic in continuous rapid growth. Therefore, the customer hopes the cooperation not only focuses on the P3 ranking improvement but also the ROI and the customer experience in high-value areas in preference, so as to be well prepared for the upcoming 5G era.
4G traffic increases by nearly 100% every year
Project Scope
In the first half of 2018, Huawei and the customer specified the strategic goal of B.E.S.T. Network for the next three years. Through joint planning, construction, and optimization, Huawei helped the customer achieve the following goals:
1. Focus on key areas to build Best City
a) Build the "urban network construction standards" for TOP 10 cities and future-oriented evolution baseline based on valued cities.
b) Improve customer experience through the network planning service.
c) Work towards 5G Ready, build an LTE network over 700 MHz band to lay a solid foundation for 5G, and reconstruct networks to evolve towards 5G.
d) Conduct UL refarming and rapid deployment of multi-band modules.
2. Focus on benchmark ranking improvement to be No.1 among all the operators.
a) Set up goals to improve P3 scoring, establish planning standards, and implement network planning.
b) Implement the engineering optimization service for improving the P3 ranking of the entire network.
c) Implement the end to end quality optimization service for improving the P3 ranking of the entire network.
1. Huawei has helped operator V in country G steadily improve its ranking in P3 scores since 2014.
2. Through the efforts of both customer and Huawei in the past year, the Best City project nearly doubled traffic throughput from 28 Mbps to 57 Mbps (tested by Speedtest), and helped the customer improve ROI. In 2019, the Physical Resource Block (PRB) usage decreased from 39% to 27%.