Huawei offers a golden key to unlock your network plans

Huawei offers a golden key to unlock your network plans

Huawei provides a diverse body of network planning and evolution solutions that can take the bumps out of the network upgrade & transformation processes, and shorten TTM, so that carriers can keep pace in the 21st century.

The changing face of service mode

The service modes of telecommunication industry are transforming from a focus on technology & operation to one on business strategy & results, characterized by better resource integration through strategic cooperation with partners. Several European carriers have outsourced network planning, design, construction, and maintenance to partners, leaving them free to focus on core services concerning customers, markets, and revenue, and integrating all resources & capabilities for more effective strategy execution. By collaborating with vendors through joint innovation & faster delivery, carriers can be more successful.

Joint innovation to improve competitiveness

Carriers are often somewhat lacking in terms of planning capability and global experience, leading to misaligned upstream & downstream roadmaps, lack of control over planning progress, and high operating expenses (OPEX).

A few leading carriers are now deepening their partnerships with equipment vendors for joint strategic innovation that accelerates service innovation and network evolution. For example, a certain Northern European carrier had been thinking about future-oriented network evolution for a long time. However, its strategic planning could not move ahead due to its lack of key capabilities or a unified service optimization & management system. After many rounds of discussion with Huawei, a joint team was established that would focus on strategic planning, leveraging Huawei’s latest technologies and global project experience, thus finally bringing the carrier’s strategic planning to a successful conclusion.

Joint innovation can also apply to network development & design, with the scope ranging from service innovation, to network integration & evolution, to operational excellence, including new service development, network integration, traditional service & network evolution, introduction of new technologies, and timely service delivery.

Numerous practices have proven that through joint innovation with equipment vendors, carriers can strengthen their competitive edge while accelerating innovation.

Seizing the market through rapid TTM

Carriers, especially fixed network operators, are under enormous operational pressure. Traditional voice services are shrinking. Fiber-to-the-curb and fiber-to-the-home (FTTC/FTTH) construction are spreading to low-value suburban and rural areas. Traditional lease services are also weakening due to IP-based technological innovations and the fact that more & more mobile carriers are building their own networks. At the same time, new architectures based on ultra-broadband, IP or the Internet are developing, raising the demands on carrier networks. Building an appropriate network architecture that provides more flexible network solutions to accelerate service provisioning is of utmost importance if carriers want to seize the market.

A certain carrier from Western Europe once had an average time to market (TTM) of 60 weeks, due to difficulties in technology introduction and its traditional delivery methods, and it eventually lost its market lead due to this glacial speed. Though aware of its own problems, process complexities and internal restrictions made cross-function planning difficult. Reversal of this situation was impossible without outside help.

This is why more and more carriers are planning to cooperate with vendors who are competent to provide primary integration and serve as a single point of contact, so that management & operational costs are reduced. This arrangement allows vendors to directly obtain service requirements from customers' marketing departments, guarantee a provisioning time for new services, and conduct network planning and goods preparation in advance to speed up service provisioning.

Huawei E2E network planning & project implementation

Huawei can provide E2E network planning and project implementation solutions that cover the entire lifecycle of network planning & construction, including service requirement analysis, network resource preparation, and supply chain management. What’s more, Huaweis expertise is global, with over 30 senior system architects (SAs), 1000+ SAs, and more than 8000 professional service engineers around the world who provide technical support for network planning & project implementation.

Perfected network planning solution - Huawei can plan network development, implementation, and evolution, and the technical elements as well, based on carrier requirements, technical standards, management methods, and return on investment (ROI).

E2E process optimization - Huawei optimizes the joint innovation process through standardization (service model/site model/order model), simplification, and balanced supply so as to expedite material supply and service delivery speed, realizing simplified operation.

Coordinated cross-function planning - Huawei's cross-function network planning platform implements coordinated planning across wireless/microwave/IP-based/optical networks, reducing the data transmission between them. Network planning is aligned with device design/supply plans and network implementation plans to coordinate the entire delivery process, making for improved planning and supply efficiency.

Fast & visible delivery management - During network implementation, results are matched with the network plan, and a rollout prediction mechanism for network implementation requirements is set up, enabling timely goods supply. Rapid deployment is achieved by setting up standardized service & site models. The order-based delivery mode enables a standardized delivery process and quality monitoring for the entire process. Two regional spare part centers and 36 national spare part centers can meet customers' delivery requirements, improving delivery efficiency.

Unified comprehensive capability platform - Leveraging its strong expertise, project experience, standardized processes, IT tools, and Global Network Evolution & Experience Center (GNEEC), Huawei provides a variety of platform resources to enable highly-efficient delivery around the world, including three technical support centers that provide 24/7 services and six multilingual training centers. Huawei also has powerful professional tools, including the Unistar Planner, our MBB designer; combine this with the aforementioned GNEEC, and you have accelerated network construction with project quality assured.