Managerial Competency Development for Business Transformation

Managerial Competency Development for Business Transformation

技术专题 管理者

During the digital transformation,the leaders of global operators are facing the competence challenges:

  1. Professional competency: lack of either broad or deep knowledge and management skills for future’s business under the fast-moving industry and technologies.
  2. Business competency: lack of clear insight on the industry development and trend and the related strategic decision making to execution capability during the fierce competition and disruptive innovation.
  3. Leadership competency: more and more difficult to lead the team, such like resource allocation, employee engagement, and talent development, with new changes of cross-generation, globalization and internet-Gen, etc.

Focus on these challenges, Huawei Learning Service provides customized programs to different –level leaders:

  1. TSL-DP Telecom Strategic Leadership Development Program
    Hot Topic: Industry Insight and Leading The Change, Organizational Capability for Competitive Advantage, Telecom Mini MBA
  2. TOL-DP Telecom Operational Leadership Development Program
    Hot Topic: Telecom Technical Leader Competency Development, Telecom Key Account Leader Competency Development
  3. TE-DP Telecom Expertise Development Program
    Hot Topic: Project Management, Talent Management, Account Selling for Telecom Sales
  4. HiPo Openview (Customized)
    Hot Topic: High Potential Leaders Openview
  5. TBI-DP Telecom Business Insight Development Program
    Hot Topic: LTE+4.5G, FMC, IT + digital services

All of these programs could help operators improve the leadership, business and management competence needed in the transformation period, help operators obtain Huawei’s fast-growing management and personnel cultivation practices to achieve rapid transformation, help to access successful experience by sharing the world's leading operator practices.