Indoor Value-added Service

Indoor Value-added Service


Indoor Value-added Service

The development of MBB promote the prosperity of the mobile Internet, and also changing end-user behavior indirectly. More and more users are seeking new indoor smart services to facilitate indoor life. Facing the opportunities and challenges, operators are constantly trying transformation of indoor digital network, providing better services to users, developing new business to increase revenue.

Taking the smart mall for example. Based on the open platform of SVA and better than 3-meter indoor positioning accuracy of Huawei SmallCell, the user can use the customized App to get indoor navigation in the mall. At the same time the user can receive a promotions or other advertising from shopkeeper. That enhances the user's shopping experience greatly, and also improve the sales.

Huawei is committed to building industry environment through innovative indoor value-added services to help operators to transform to services management from traffic management, expand digital services, and promote industrial MBB.

Indoor Value-added Services Platform Architecture

Network layer: Based on Huawei's indoor digital solutions LampSite, Pico, that can provide high-quality indoor network and local based service.

Platform layer: Provide a reliable platform to third-party. And the third-part can get data (such as traffic, location and so on) from the open interface. 

Application layer: With the capacity of partners, using data of platform to develop indoor smart application and service for the end-users.