A U2000 ATAE cluster online remote HA system consists of two U2000 ATAE cluster systems, which are deployed in different geographic locations. In the U2000 ATAE cluster online remote HA system, data is synchronized between the active and standby sites in real time. If the active site becomes faulty, the standby site can be started immediately to take over U2000 services from the active site to avoid service interruption. Figure 1 shows the networking mode of the U2000 ATAE cluster online remote HA system.
Figure 1 Networking mode of the U2000 ATAE cluster online remote HA solution
The U2000 ATAE cluster online remote HA system does not support automatic switchover.
When U2000 maintenance personnel detect that the U2000 ATAE cluster system at the active site is faulty and services cannot be restored, the personnel need to disconnect the active site from the live network and manually start the U2000 services at the standby site so that the standby site takes over all U2000 services on the live network.
The U2000 ATAE cluster online remote HA system supports only manual switchover. After the fault at the active site is rectified, the U2000 maintenance personnel need to manually stop the standby site and then start the active site so that the U2000 services on the live network are switched back to the active site.
After the U2000 services are switched back to the active site, the active site synchronizes alarm and performance data from NEs.
The U2000 ATAE cluster online remote HA system has the following advantages: