Fixed and Mobile Broad Band consumption of TV, video and digital content are growing at an expediential rate delivering network utilization challenges for CSPs, while offering limited options for customer engagement and service monetization. All while consumers have a wealth of options on where to go and how they can consume content, with alternative services available at the touch of a button.
Compelling content is critical, but CSPs have the capability to offer more, by bringing content and network together to provide customers: what they want, when they want it, wherever they want to consume it, all within a seamless usage experience.
Huawei Video inCloud Solution provides a content aggregation, operations and delivery platform which enables CSPs to provide powerful multi screen content experiences to their customers and differentiate their services, improve customer loyalty and drive revenue for themselves and their partners.
Service innovation focused content delivery, management, settlement and distribution network. Global scale, reach and economics
Innovative use experience fully configurable to your brand objectives. Designed to deliver customer engagement, retention, monetization and satisfaction
TV, video, App, gaming, music and content services that increase customer engagement, monetization opportunities and service usage