Huawei HiSec Insight Security Situation Awareness System

Huawei HiSec Insight Security Situation Awareness System

Huawei HiSec Insight Security Situation Awareness System defends against APT attacks by utilizing technologies such as Big Data analytics and machine learning. To guard key information assets, the system accurately identifies and defends against APT attacks. It can restore the kill chain of an APT by extracting key information from mass data, assessing risks in multiple dimensions, and correlating isolated anomalies based on Big Data analytics.

Comprehensive Detection
Detection of events based on APT kill chains, as well as correlating and combining threats.

Network-Wide Collaboration
Collaboration between security devices and endpoints to handle detected threats and share reputation in the cloud.

Network Visualization
Real-time awareness of security posture, enabling search and source tracing of PB-level data within seconds.