As the Internet industry develops rapidly and the world enters the cloud era, more and more enterprises are migrating systems to the cloud and going digital. In addition, more new service models emerge. The telecom industry, as a digital transformation enabler for various industries, faces both challenges and new business opportunities.
Traditional FTTH relies on specific NEs to provision services, and is prone to errors. As a result, ONTs cannot be provisioned. To resolve this, engineers need to provision services on site, which is expensive. NCE provides go-online process orchestration and cloud-based ONT authentication to simplify OSS integration. It decouples the configuration from the ONT access point. This allows ONTs to go online and services to be provisioned without requiring a field visit.
Conventionally, after hardware engineers install OLT hardware, software commissioning engineers need to commission the OLTs on site or remotely, which involves a long service provisioning period and high costs. NCE provides go-online process orchestration and cloud-based OLT authentication, negating the need for on-site or remote software commissioning, and implementing zero-touch deployment of OLTs.