OSN 9560 - Huawei

OSN 9560

OSN 9560 applies to the hub nodes on long-distance backbone lines and the key service scheduling nodes on optical transport networks. It combines DXCs' great service scheduling capabilities, MADMs' complex networking possibilities, the ASON optical network control plane, and the IEEE 1588v2 high-precision clock. OSN 9560 is an ASON optical switching platform that provides a large switching capacity and supports various service granularities.

Tbit-level cross-connect capability per subrack

A single subrack supports up to 1.28 Tbit/s higher order cross-connect capability and 40 Gbit/s lower order cross-connect capability, and enables flexible scheduling of VC-4, VC-3, and VC-12 services.

Mesh networking

OSN 9560 supports flexible networking and is easy to expand; does not require 50% reserve bandwidth; and provides multiple recovery paths, improving network security and service availability.

End-to-end service configuration

OSN 9560 supports service provisioning when only the source node, sink node, required bandwidth, and protection scheme are specified. It automatically selects service routes and creates cross-connections for each node, which shortens the time needed to establish services and enables dynamic allocation and release of bandwidth.

Automatic topology discovery

OSN 9560 can automatically detect the signaling and service transmission topologies and then update the topologies on the NMS in real time. This feature facilitates the coverage and expansion of networks.

Traffic balance

OSN 9560 equally distributes the services of the same level to different routes between two nodes. This feature improves network reliability and service scalability.