Lighting up the Digital Future

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Lighting up the Digital Future

Enabling operator success, cultivating new business,
and facilitating user migration to 5G: Exploring new industry opportunities
and unlocking the potential of home broadband.

5G Business Open Class


  • Huawei Hosts Global Launch of 5G-A Pioneers Program, Reaching Six Consensus with Pioneering Global Operators

    At MWC Shanghai 2024, Huawei hosted the Global Launch of 5G-A Pioneers Program. The event, themed "driving shared success with 5G-A", brought together pioneering 5G operators from around the world, including China's "big three", as well as HKT, du, and Oman Telecommunications. At the event, they discussed how to drive the high-quality development of 5G-A networks and how to seize opportunities from the upcoming intelligent world to create new market space for growth.

Success Stories

China Mobile Yunnan and Huawei Accelerate Astronomical Exploration

Massive amounts of observational data from Yunnan Observatories are securely and quickly transmitted to the Kunming Computing Center through the Green All-Optical Network built by China Mobile Yunnan and Huawei. Timely and accurate Al computing enables faster presentation of observational results, which accelerates astronomical exploration.

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